Explain why Equality is Important

There isn’t liberty and justice for all. Equality is very important, yet most countries aren’t equal.
There should be equal rights all over the world. People are still racist. They put people from other ethnic background under stereotypes. Yes I am what everyone calls “white” but I’m not obsessed with Nutella and Starbucks. There are a lot of people who make racist jokes and think their race is superior.
Also, there are homophobic people. Equal marriage rights is a big problem in the u.s. People protest for equal marriage in the state they live in. I would love if equal marriage was allowed, but there are many people who are disgusted by people who love the same gender.
There will always be people who think they are superior. But equality is important. So maybe one day the pledge of allegiance will speak the truth. Maybe one day, there will be liberty and justice for all.

1 Comment on Explain why Equality is Important

  1. hopev227
    March 5, 2014 at 4:00 pm (10 years ago)

    This is amazing Emerson! I totally agree wih you on equal marriage. We have a right to love what we want, who we want, and when we want. No one should tell us who we can and canot love or be with. People need to get over it and move on. They need to stop being nasty people and making it hard for people to achieve equal marriage. It should be a right. And people need to fight for that right!


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