
It spreads through the halls like a wildfire. One friend after the other. The whispers start with one and slowly it grows into a monster of who said what about someone. Although most people think only their one friend knows, that friend will tell others at sleepovers, in the hallways, at lunch, on the phone or over text.

This is the same way rumors get started. One person is (most likely) mad at another and wants to make their life miserable. So they go to a friend and make up something like so and so is using you to go on a trip to the Bahamas.

Who knows.

But what we have to remember is that we are saying awful things about people we have probably known for years. No one wants their best friend saying that they are the worst person to be friends with (am I right?) and no one wants fake things to be made up about them.

Gossip tears friendships apart. Friendships that were once said to never end have ended. All because of that one rumor. Or one secret spilled. I think we all speak from experience. So take my advice. So that your friendship may last a lifetime. So you won’t have something crazy made up about you. Take my advice.


2 Comments on Gossip

  1. lschoch
    January 24, 2014 at 8:00 am (10 years ago)

    So true! What an inspiring post!


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