
When I was little I had a stuffed bunny. His name- like most children’s toys- was the same as what animal he was. His name was bunny, so I’m guessing you could figure out what animal he was. He had a green body and pink paws. He had long pink floppy ear and a little pink tale.

When I was little I used to hide him in different places when we went out somewhere. I claimed ‘I will remember he’s here!’ But every time I forgot he was there. I would burst into tears and my whole family would search the house for my bunny. When we found him I would be so grateful and go straight to playing with him.

He still is my favorite stuffed animal. He always had been. If I didn’t have him as a child my life would be different. My family wouldn’t have funny stories about me and my bunny. I wouldn’t have the same childhood memories. He was my best friend when none of my friends could come to my house. He showed me the escape from boredom. He will aways be my favorite toy. I love my bunny.


1 Comment on Memories

  1. sairam678
    April 23, 2014 at 8:42 pm (10 years ago)

    I can relate to this because I once had a stuffed dog named rascal with a lightning bolt on his butt, and I thought he had superpowers and could run really fast. I used to write short stories about him and his great powers!! 😛


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